WorldBuilding in 3 Paragraphs

by Alexander Floyd

Recently someone on Reddit asked me about how to build a TTRPG world in 3 Paragraphs. There was more to it, it was based on a thread, and then they asked. People aren’t just randomly asking me that. I’d love to live in a world where people just sought me out and I could dispense wisdom like the Buddha under the bodhi tree. Wisdom about how to play pretend well, not about serious stuff. I don’t have my own shit figured out. You don’t want that advice. Pretending super hard? I can help there. Hell, I got a 4-year degree in it (once again, poor life wisdom).

Anyway, since this fellow Redditor found the WorldBuilding in 3 Paragraphs valuable and Beholder’s Eye was my prototype for this type of world design, I figured others might find it valuable as well.

  1. Start with the Locations: Empireland is made up of 5 kingdoms (name them). Empireland is officially non-racialist but the emperor is an elf (Emperor Elfman) and 3 of the 5 kings and queens are as well(Names). Kingdom 4 is run by Queen Halflingqueen and 5 by the wizard Dwarfking.

  2. Mention potential conflicts: Kingdom 4, 2 and 1 have been concerned with Dwarfking’s power. The thieves guild in kingdom 3 is said to be at war with the merchants guild. A cult of the dark god, Darkgod has arisen in Kingdom 5. Not to mention a terrorist group ViolentEqualRites has been blowing up places with magical talismans and crying for true equality.

  3. Describe Location: Empireland’s kingdoms are all connected forming a giant circle with the Emperor’s Keep in the center. They are walled in. Outside the walls of Empire is certain death. A desolate wasteland where it goes from burning to freezing and demons and ghosts wander around the Empire, or so the story goes.

That’s all you need until you start talking with your players about their characters. That way you only build out what they’re interested in. If they’re a cleric of war now you need to create that god. But don’t do it until it’s necessary.

Build the world with the players through their characters.

Hope this can help some of you out!