The Calendar of The Great Isle

by Alexander Floyd

This is something I put together after Sam asked about the calendar for the Great Isle. As I’ve mentioned before this isn’t something which is necessary for a D/GM to create before you start playing. However, since a player asked about it, and was important to him then it was necessary to create.

For context, I believe I put this together after we recorded 5 episodes.

Still, it’s now canon and something the worldbuilders might enjoy.

360 Solar Day Year

Here are the months (30 days evenly and 5 week months):

  1. Thot

  2. Hathor

  3. Koziak

  4. Athyr

  5. Peret

  6. Pashons

  7. Paoni

  8. Epip

  9. Mesori

  10. Shemu

  11. Phamenoth

  12. Tybi

The first episode begins on Tybi 20th, the year is 3015 AWS (After the World was Swallowed).

The names of months are holdovers since before the Swallowing. Some say they are the forgotten names of Saints of Theos, other hold they are pagan, most don't think too much about it. They always were.

The days of the week are simply numbered such as Thot 2 Day 1. (So that would be the first day of the 2nd week of Thot).