The Chaos Quartet


Zelara of Turmez

Zelara is a wood elf full of wanderlust fueled by her father’s stories of the old days. She set out from home to experience the world and ended up with the Monks of Turmez. Set free from her duties there, she hopes to find new friends and be a force for good in the world gone mad.

 What greater good is there than stabbing the bad guys?


Garren Kelso

Garren learned to be a Bladesinger in Kelso's Fantastic Caravan, taming the lions and wowing audiences both young and old. Due to Fate (the only true 'god' in which he believes), the high elf has found himself in the employ of the Queen of Thailmer in hopes of atoning for his many, many sins.

Will Fate be on his side? Or will she once again throw him into the fire?

Whatever comes, it will be very interesting.

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Mol is one of the highest ranking Clerics of St. Eligius.



APU is more machine now than man.

Not that he was ever man, but we’re not too certain about that.

The DM


He is the DM.

What more is there to say?

Except he is totally evil.

He is also in charge.

Bow before him.


Previous Members

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Magnjar Skulgrim

Magnjar is the strongest Barbar--err--Sorcerer you will ever meet. His power is unmatched. His Magic Missile literally hits like a javelin to the heart. His Thunderwave have been known to leave enemies decimated and his hammer bloody.

He is a Great Sorcerer. It's confusing why no one else sees it.

The trail of bodies speaks for itself...

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Hibonite is a very immature traveler and naive of the world outside his village. He set out on a journey bound for thrilling experiences, misunderstanding and new friends.

Always seeking the secret history of his tribe, Hibonite strives to acquire knowledge or items which could help his people.

Everything can only end well right?

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Margrain Silverbeard

Margrain is a definitely a dwarf--just ask him.  The evidence is clear. He is strong like a dwarf, brave like a dwarf, drinks like a dwarf, barely 3ft tall and beardless like a…err...umm...

His mother assures him that he is a dwarf.



Dulad was an orphan experimented on by someone known only as The Master. After an opportunity presented itself for Dulad to escape he took it, using his abilities to survive a world unknown to him. Under the guidance of Kazdrax the Great Dragon, the wandering Simic Hybrid is a deadly addition to the Chaos Quartet.

Will his past reach out of the shadows or will light cast his darkness away?