Theos, Apotheosis, and Vicissitude

Hello, wonderful listeners! I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride for the last couple of months. Our characters continue to make changes and choices that surprise the players. Hopefully it’s compelling and keeps you guessing right along with us. I’m certainly looking forward to the new art Ben has brewing for the new look of the party.

The upcoming episodes finally take a lighter tone as we explore the Feywild. We tried something new with the recording time and started when we normally stop, so our ending time was several hours past at least Alex and Kim’s bedtime. And we get a bit… loopy. It was a blast to record and I think y’all will enjoy something a bit sillier.

I continue to be on all the things. I have more permanent spot on LCP DnD now and recently jumped into a new long-form improv show called Something Wonderful Right Away. The first 4 episodes drop on November 1 and my appearance will drop on November 8, so keep your ears open for that crazy ride!

As always, if you have questions or comments, feel free to hit us up on Twitter or come chat with us in our Discord.

Thanks for listening!

Kim (Zelara)

Kim Metzger